MSK Media Training Day

Talking science to business, government and the public
11:00am – 12:30pm
A moderated panel discussion with Q&A. The panellists are Prof. Jim Elliott (Director of the Kolling Institute), Ms. Amanda Hart (Senior Reporter, Channel Ten), and Dr. Darren Saunders (NSW Deputy Chief Scientist). The session will prompt you to think about different audiences and what they want to know. It’ll work through how and when to talk with them.

Presenting your science
– 2:30pm
How do I introduce my research for impact? It’s about distilling your research into a few bullet points. This is a useful exercise and skill for any audience – whether you are presenting on stage, to your Vice Chancellor, a journalist or an industry group who may use your research.
We cover what makes a good introduction/pitch. You will have five minutes to write a few bullet points, present for one minute and get feedback about the pitch. Participants will first present to their peers in groups of six to ten. Then the best from each group will present to everyone and receive feedback from the presenter.

ANZMUSC Consumer Advisory Group Representatives – Ask your questions!
2:30pm – 3:00pm
An opportunity to discuss your media-related queries with a few of our CAG members.
Topics discussed may include how lay summaries and media releases are seen by consumers, working with consumers when producing a lay summary or a media release, how to best engage with consumers when mainstream media requires a consumer to be featured (e.g., on TV), and what are the harms of misleading media releases and misleading social media campaigns?

Date: 23 October 2023
Time: 10:30 am AEST