WAHTN CCIP CCI and Successful Grant Writing Masterclass

This CCI and Successful Grant Writing Masterclass is designed specifically for researchers to assist with improving Grant applications in regards to consumer and community involvement. This class provides a high-level overview of what the ‘gold standard’ in consumer involvement should look like in your Grant application. Additional topics include practical ideas and suggestions regarding CCI research methods, inclusions for your research team, CCI budget items and research translation.

*prerequisites are in place for the Writing in Plain Language Masterclass – all attendees will need to provide the following certificates of completion:

  1. CCIProgram e-Course certificate of completion
  2. Introduction to CCI Masterclass certificate of completion

This workshop is for researchers only.

Workshop cost:

  • CCIProgram Partners (UWA, UNDA, Murdoch, Perkins, WA Department of Health and ECU) – $0 cost
  • WAHTN Partners – $30 per person* – click link for partner organisations: https://wahtn.org/about-us/partners/
  • Other Organisations and Institutions – $50 per person*
Date: 15 May 2024
Time: 10:00 am AEST
Venue: Online