Economics Methods Group

Committee Members

The EMG comprises a group of ANZMUSC members with a common interest in advancing and conducting high quality economic evaluations within the area of musculoskeletal health and fostering collaboration between health economists and clinical trialists.


The objectives of the Group should align with the vision and mission of ANZMUSC and are as follows:

  • Provide a forum for communication, networking, information sharing and collaboration for health economists working in the field of musculoskeletal health
  • Provide a forum for communication, networking, information sharing and collaboration between health economists and clinical trialists working in the field of musculoskeletal health
  • Support the missions of ANZMUSC and its Scientific Advisory Committee in the field of health economics (eg. providing expert content review of proposals and/or grants, priority setting)
  • Facilitate the development and implementation of high quality economic evaluations in musculoskeletal conditions
  • Contribute to mentoring of early career researchers in health economics related to musculoskeletal health to increase Australia and New Zealand’s research capacity
  • Contribute to activities and initiatives that help to raise awareness, inform policy, and educate
  • Develop and implement processes and resources for conducting economic evaluations in musculoskeletal health.