Other Awards

Year of AwardAwardRecipient Name
2024Rapid-Fire Research Showcase
Post-doc Best Presentation
David AndersonDetecting spinal pathology with AI
2024Rapid-Fire Research Showcase
Post-doc Runner Up
Tash PocoviThe impact of an individualized and progressive walking program on low back pain recurrences: Secondary analysis of recurrence data from the WalkBack trial
2024Rapid-Fire Research Showcase
PhD Candidate Best Presentation
Deborah WarehamPain during and after different swim strokes in chronic low back pain: A crossover study design
2024Rapid-Fire Research Showcase
PhD Candidate Runner Up
Julia ZhuExploring perceptions and experiences of people with knee osteoarthritis who participated in a 12-week unsupervised online Tai Chi program: a qualitative study
2024Rapid-Fire Research Showcase
PhD Candidate Runner Up
Gemma AltingerShifting primary care physicians towards high-value care: A randomised experiment
2023Media Training Day Pitch
Best Presenter
Caitlin Jones
2023Media Training Day Pitch
Runner Up
Jack Devonshire
2023Rapid-Fire Research Showcase
Post-doc Best Presentation
Saurab SharmaLow back pain in 12 low- and middle income countries
2023Rapid-Fire Research Showcase
Post-doc Runner Up
Sujita NarayanAntidepressants for non-cancer pain in older adults - a systematic review
2023Rapid-Fire Research Showcase
PhD Candidate Best Presentation
Min Tze ChewHope for hEDS & HSD
2023Rapid-Fire Research Showcase
PhD Candidate Runner Up
Tash PocoviCan you walk yourself better?