Committee Members
The Executive Committee (EC) is made up of representatives from each of the ANZMUSC committees, special interest, and methods groups. The EC governs the activities of the network and ensures that the National Health and Medical Research Council Centre of Research Excellence objectives are being met. The EC meets monthly, and communicates between meetings as required.

ANZMUSC Chief and Associate Investigators (NHMRC CRE 2023-2027)
Prof. Rachelle Buchbinder, Monash University
Prof. Christopher Maher, University of Sydney
Prof. Rana Hinman, University of Melbourne
Prof. Ian Harris, University of NSW
Prof. Lyn March, University of Sydney
Prof. James McAuley, University NSW
Prof. Manuela Ferreira, University of Sydney
Prof. Paul Hodges, University of Queensland
A/Prof. Denise O’Connor, Monash University
A/Prof. Laurent Billot, University of NSW
Prof. Sally Green, Monash University
A/Prof. Will Taylor, University of Otago
Prof. Catherine Hill, University of Adelaide
Dr. Gustavo Machado, University of Sydney
Prof. Ilana Ackerman, Monash University
Prof. Haxby Abbott, University of Otago
Dr. Sam Adie, University of NSW
Dr. Bethan Richards, University of Sydney
Dr. Giovanni Ferreira, University of Sydney
Mr. Ben Horgan, Curtin University
ANZMUSC Chief and Associate Investigators (NHMRC CRE 2018-2022)
Prof. Rachelle Buchbinder, Monash University
Prof. Christopher Maher, University of Sydney
Prof. Lyn March, University of Sydney
Prof. Richard Day, University of NSW
Prof. Rana Hinman, University of Melbourne
Prof. Ian Harris, University of NSW
A/Prof. Manuela Ferreira, University of Sydney
Prof. Paul Glasziou, Bond University
Prof. Sally Green, Monash University
A/Prof. Laurent Billot, University of NSW
Prof. Anthony Harris, Monash University
Prof. Catherine Hill, University of Adelaide
Prof. Christine Lin, University of Sydney
Prof. David Hunter, University of Sydney
Prof. Flavia Cicuttini, Monash University
Prof. James McAuley, University NSW
Prof. Jane Latimer, University of Sydney
Dr. Samuel Whittle, University of Adelaide
Prof. Tania Winzenberg, University of Tasmania
A/Prof. William Taylor, University Of Otago, Wellington
Past Executive Committee Members
Haxby Abbott - Econ Methods Group & NZ Rep (October 2021 - October 2024)
Allison Bourne - Admin & Support (June 2015 - June 2020)
Ornella Clavisi - Consumer Rep (June 2016 - January 2022)
Sheila Cyril - Admin & Support (July 2020 - February 2021)
Ben Horgan - Consumer Rep (January 2022 - May 2022)
Jane Latimer - Foundation member (June 2015 - June 2021)
Will Taylor - Foundation member (June 2015 - Sept 2021)